Lead Impression wire is the world standard in Precision Clearance Gauges for the measurement of clearance between fitted surfaces.
0.125" Spool (3.18 mm)
5 Pound spool E
Lead Impression wire is the world standard in Precision Clearance Gauges for the measurement of clearance between fitted surfaces.
0.25" Spool (6.35mm)
5 Pound spool Ext
Lead Impression wire is the world standard in Precision Clearance Gauges for the measurement of clearance between fitted surfaces.
0.032" Spool (.813 mm)
5 Pound spool E
Lead Impression wire is the world standard in Precision Clearance Gauges for the measurement of clearance between fitted surfaces.
0.040" Spool (1.01 mm)
5 Pound spool E
Lead Impression wire is the world standard in Precision Clearance Gauges for the measurement of clearance between fitted surfaces.
0.134" Spool (3.4mm)
5 Pound spool Ext
Lead Impression wire is the world standard in Precision Clearance Gauges for the measurement of clearance between fitted surfaces.
0.3125 Spool (7.9mm)
5 Pound spool
Lead Impression wire is the world standard in Precision Clearance Gauges for the measurement of clearance between fitted surfaces.
0.062" Spool (1.57 mm)
5 Pound spool E
Lead Impression wire is the world standard in Precision Clearance Gauges for the measurement of clearance between fitted surfaces.
0.156" Spool (3.96 mm)
5 Pound spool E